Friday, April 11, 2008

A Week in Review
I have been spring cleaning all week. It is amazing the stuff that accumulate in your house over the winter. It's actually kinda overwhelming. I feel my closets will never be organized the way I would like them to be. It is so nice to open the windows and let the house air out.
Tomorrow Rodney and I get a date night, it has been at least six months, so this is long over due. We are just going out for dinner and a movie. My dad is going to keep the kids over night for us.
Maddie missed a couple days of school due to pink eye. Luckily after two treatments of drops it cleared up. She lost another tooth yesterday, making a total of three now. She has a couple more lose, but is to scared to let me get them out. All in good time I guess.
Chandler has the Pinewood Derby with Boy scouts tomorrow. He has spent weeks now perfecting his car, we are really hoping he will do well.
Victoria is going to be in a play next month and has been spending most of her time at rehearsal after school. I feel like she is just home to eat, sleep, and bathe anymore. But that's how she likes it, she is always going full speed ahead.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL ORGANIZATION needs our help! On May 3rd 2008, they are asking us to to pray the Rosary for the protection of the unborn. Right now they have just over five thousand people registered and are hoping to get one million!! The number sounds high, but with God all things are possible. "The intention for this Rosary will be: For an end to the surgical and non-surgical killing of unborn babies. On the day of the prayer event, it is hoped at least one million people in the U.S.A. will be praying the Rosary within the same sixty minute time span." So please click on the link above and register for this event. Also don't forget to spread the word.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Wordless Wednesday "No sibling rivalry here"

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Wildlife Habitat

Chandler is quite the little Ecologist, so we are creating a wildlife habitat in our back yard this year. I have been wanting to do this for a while but when you rent, you really can't go tearing up your landlord's back yard (well, you can, but I wouldn't suggest it). This is the first spring we have owned our home. Tomorrow I am going to start by picking up some Swamp Milkweed, Climbing Aster, and a few other various native wild plants for our native wildlife and begin creating our own little piece of nature.

From the National Wildlife Federation here are a few reasons why you should do a habitat of your own:

Why should I create a NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat?

1.It's fun! Watching wildlife in action can be fun and relaxing for everyone. Your habitat may attract beautiful songbirds, butterflies, frogs, and other interesting wildlife for viewing from your very own window.

2.Curb appeal! Replacing grass lawns with native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees will increase the beauty of your property and provide a nurturing refuge for wildlife.

3.Bring wildlife home! Restoring habitats where commercial and residential development have degraded natural ecosystems can be your way of giving back to wildlife.

4.Eco-friendly! Gardening practices that help wildlife, like reducing the use of chemicals, conserving energy and water, and composting also help to improve air, water and soil quality.

5.Gardening for wildlife can help you share your love of wildlife with your neighbors and help them get involved in creating a home for wildlife.

After you are done you can register your habitat with the National Wildlife Federation and receive a certificate, newsletter and a yard sign.

For more info on create your on habitat you can also get a free e-book :

This illustrated, step-by-step guide will sell for $6 on Teri’s site, Knowledge House — but it is FREE to readers when you join her informative newsletter. It is so new, it isn’t even listed on Teri’s site yet. This is a beautiful, well done resource that you will really enjoy… so be sure to get your copy before this freebie offer expires!
Click here
PS. The special code you’ll need to claim your free ebook after joining Teri’s list is: green