Friday, June 27, 2008

You know you are Catholic when.....

  • you genuflect before entering your seat at the theater.

  • every time you go into your pantry you feel a strange compulsion to cross yourself and say 'bless me father, for I have sinned ...

  • you have an overwhelming compulsion to say, "And also with you," when Yoda says, "May the Force be with you."

  • you can only recite the Creed when around large groups of people.

  • someone says they're going to KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) and you think they are going to bingo at the K of C. (Knights of Columbus)

  • asked you your favorite Madonna song and you say "Ave Maria"

  • you have 40 aunts and uncles.

  • you know more than 15 recipes for preparing tuna fish.

  • you make the sign of the cross before shooting a free throw.

  • you spend the first five minutes of the day untangling your scapular from your Miraculous Medalone

  • most of your Crucifixes has five years worth of dried out palms stuck behind it.

  • you know that the Rosary is not a fashion accessory

  • you run all over town in November looking for pink and purple candles.
  • you'd never tell anyone that the grill mark on your tortilla looks like the Blessed Virign Mary, but you still felt guilty after you'd eaten it

  • you can whistle the Notre Dame college fight song

    1 comment:

    Shelly said...

    here's another one [at least *i* do this all the time]:
    Calling a doctor "Fr. So-and-so" Yep, that's me!